How far we’ve come or “Welcome Back McCarthy”

A little background information:  John McCain on CodePink

First a little background information (for those of you who passed 5th grade civics class I apologize for the review; it’s more for our illustrious representatives):  The opening to the founding document and the highest law in the land begins with “We the People,” includes numerations of rights assured to the people (including Freedom of Speech and Expression), and has been interpreted by one of our greatest Presidents as meaning a nation, “for the People, by the People, and of the People.”  Even our Declaration of Independence describes the fundamental principles on which liberty is founded and includes, in part, a description of legitimate government as being, “Government by consent of the governed,” and assures us of the right to alter or abolish any unjust government that has become so oppressive as to be tyrannical in nature and practice.  Above all though, these documents make it clear that the entire purpose of the legislature (state and/or federal) is to listen to the constituency and act according to what the people want (while protecting the minority from abuse).

Now the current way things work:  The legislature is elected by infusing commercials with misinformation and relying on the comparatively tiny amount of voters that participate.  Once in office, the majority of them rely on “Campaign Contributions” from special interest groups while conveniently ignoring the pleas of their people (or at least the ones without money).

All of this leads me to the group CodePink, a women’s anti-war group that frequents congressional hearings (their right as citizens) and are routinely thrown out for “disruptions” no different than Republican disruptions in a Democratic congress and vice versa.  A good deal of them are Mr. McCain’s constituents, yet because of their unpopular opinion, he calls them scum.  Sen. Feinstein (D) threw them out of a CIA confirmation hearing because of less than audible disruptions: Audio of Hearing and no Congress or Executive has given credence to this large movement (a very poignant fallback to the difficulties of the Suffragettes).

If the problem is not evident by now, let me spell it out.  While I may agree with CodePink and what they are trying to do, that point is irrelevant.  I disagree with Westboro Baptist Church, the KKK, and many other bigoted groups, but they still have the right to express their opinions (so long as they do not interfere with others self-same rights) and should be heard in the context of their overall populace representation.  That is what Freedom of Speech means!  I may not like what you say (or I may support it on different levels) but everyone has the right to be heard.  Government employees at every level are duty bound to hear and give credence to their citizenry.   If they feel it is interrupting their important “business” (you know, bilking the public and so forth), their responsibility would be to offer truly public hearings that would allow those voters to express themselves and give the legislature (Executives and Justices as well) the full picture, regardless of personal opinions.

So let CodePink speak, at the very least, with equal opportunity as the wealthy special interest groups.  Their message is sound and agreed with by 66% of American (27% Approve): American Current War Support. And their message is not in least bit unsound:  CodePink.  Yet the opinions of the citizens (unless they pander and flatter to those with money and/or power) are ignored even though Congress works far less than anyone in any country (not counting their “vacation” which come out of your taxes).  To verify, follow this link (the blue days are work days and Congress is paid even when they don’t work):  Congress work days and what they spent their time on (bear in mind some activities overlap and were done at the same Time:  Congressional Breakdown.  This is the President’s priorities (golf is more important than poverty apparently): Presidential time.  Finally, the Supreme Court works 5 hours per day(End of October to beginning of June, excluding  federal holidays, can choose which cases to accept, recesses frequently and takes an enormous amount of time to be even heard and thus works a maximum of 143 days or 715 total hours:  Work days Supreme Court Calculator.  The point being that no elected official works enough to even logically say they can’t listen to their constituency.

CodePink deserves to be heard and McCain’s comments are indicative of how Congress feels and by extension how the government feels about our populace.  They are so disconnected sitting in their golden mansions an deaf ears that they use the guise of democracy (which we have none nor are we headed towards it again) and placate the people with plenty of gadgets, games, and make sure no one notices the clear violations of the social contract (for example, several wars that are killing our young people in droves but few efforts are being made to change things because as long as we have “Candy Crush” we can ignore our attempt to occupy the world and keep our populace ignorant by reducing education, science, etc.).  If we were to educate our young and old people we might understand CodePink, and at least have rational debates on the many viewpoints out there.

I fear, however, that we have past this point.  The income divide is too great and the people too indolent to make the changes necessary.  I encourage CodePink and any of those who share the beliefs of a free, peaceful, and united nation to join together in arms to set up and defend a nation founded and sealed on truth, justice, liberty, equality, and brotherhood (sisterhood, etc.). We have been oppressed and insulted by the wealthy rulers long enough,  We must join together and exercise our right to revolt: Declaration of Independence.  If a new and better nation that listens and addresses your complaints, concerns, ideas, etc. sounds like a place you would want to be a part of, feel free to contact me.  If you believe we can save this current United States, please contact me for a rational discourse.  I am always looking for new ways of looking at things.

Foundational Documents:

John Locke

Federalist Papers

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Thomas Hobbes

US Constitution

SCOTUS Oaths of Office

All Other Oaths of Office

Voter Turnout 2014

Historic VEP


The New Hampshire Rebellion

The idea that the system is broken and needs to be fixed is by no means a new or novel one.  Novelty arises in all the ways it could be fixed or should be fixed.  To this end one in particular stands out as a plausible, albeit optimistic, way of changing things while still keeping the basic framework intact.  Lawrence Lessig is the face of this and similar movements in The New Hampshire Rebellion which endeavors, in a nutshell, to use the loopholes and lack of campaign finance regulation to raise enough money to elect people who will ultimately get rid of those problems thus allowing future congressmen to be a truer representation of the people and therefore willing to pass laws that will address all of the other woes America has.  In principle this seems to be a very accurate representation as to the root cause of our social ailments.  At the moment, Representatives and Senators both are far richer than their constituency.  They are also allowed to accept enormous sums of money from special interest groups which undoubtedly sways their vote on a great many things.  This makes the run for Congress far less about platforms and issues and far more about who can pay enough to get their image out there favourably.  All of these things are very true and in addressing the central issue of cash flow, the NHR would seem to have nailed it on the head.

Now I am by no means belittling Lawrence Lessig nor am I belittling his intelligence (he is nowhere near a stupid man and has many accomplishments to prove this).  I do find fault though with his project in this, he has not accounted for the issues that allow the system to function this way to start with or at least has not underscored their importance.  A little thought experiment can help illustrate one of the issues.  Let us say that the NHR raises a sufficient amount of money to accomplish their goal (presumably electing at least 51% of both House and Senate and the President or 2/3 of both Houses without the President who are sympathetic to his cause and willing to actually implement it), and let’s say that the money is distributed to the individual candidates and said money is spent on advertising, campaigning, debating, and the whole lot.  Then let us think about election day bearing in mind the platform has been campaign finance reform and apply the trends of the last several elections in regards to turnout.  A problem should immediately come to mind, i.e. even spending as much or more than the other candidates the actual turnout is still not representative of even half of what the nation wants.  Even if it were, it does not represent those who are almost perpetually forbidden to vote (the felons, illegal immigrants, legal immigrants in some places, even just minorities in some communities where they are “discouraged” from voting, etc.).  It belies a very powerful idea that no amount of reform can change, i.e. we do not have “government by consent of the governed,” nor can we as long as we remain bound in our own chains and bound again by the immense effort put forth to keep us distracted from those chains.

Voter turnout aside (for that is within the change Lessig proposes) it is exceptionally optimistic to think the wealthy and powerful would stand by and simply let their gravy train be derailed.  It is also optimistic to think that by uniting people under one flag that the other issues would be solved.  After all, special interest groups do have a role to play in helping to protect the rights of those not able to get into the halls of Congress, they have simply gotten out of hand in their available power.  Who is to say that by reforming Congress that it will not need reforming quickly again?  After all, the source of power does not change, and even a Congress of this type can not strip money of its power; only the Fed (non-elected) could conceivably do that on any degree.

All this said, Lessig is a brilliant man and his ideas deserve merit, even this one.  The issue of campaign finance reform is a vital one, and one that should have been reviewed long ago.  It is simply too optimistic to think that the broken system can be fixed with the broken system.  It is like hammering a nail in with a nail.  Perhaps at one time if this issue had been addressed in this manner and if the people of America still had the time to wait for this change to happen would this be a realistic goal.  The simple fact of the matter is that the system has given itself over to despotism and additional delays will only cause more unnecessary suffering.  Now is the time for action, and Lessig is a valuable asset to that action, but the current plan as it stands simply won’t work.  Something a little more drastic is required.